At Carolina Realty Advisors, we hold ourselves to a higher standard.

For today’s message, we want to tell you a little about who we are, what separates us from other firms, and why you should consider working with us.

“Our approach is to help you understand more about what you’re getting into and make decisions that will benefit you in the long term.”

Carolina Realty Advisors started out as a franchise back in 1997, but being a franchise wasn’t a good fit for us because our business model was unique. 2006 was when we changed our name to Carolina Realty Advisors, and that’s also when we started becoming more of a mainstream residential real estate company. In the ensuing years, we’ve won several awards. We’ve also been named as one of the top 20 largest real estate companies in the Greater Charlotte area, but that’s not because of the number of people working in our office. We actually have a relatively small number of agents on our team, but each of them is highly productive. That’s why we have so many awards. They’re based on production, sales volume, and dollars—not how many people we have. 

When we’re in the middle of a real estate transaction, we’re like a quarterback of the transaction. In other words, we’re there to help our clients get the ball over the goal line. We offer a higher level of advice, and we like to think we’re more advisors than salespeople. Our approach is to help you understand more about what you’re getting into and make decisions that will benefit you in the long term. 

As far as our agents go, we spend a lot of time training them because we want them to be the best of the best. There are many types of agents in the real estate industry. Some are good, some are bad. With us, though, our agents will always be good because we hold ourselves to a higher standard. As our clients will tell you, the right real estate advice makes all the difference, and that’s what you get when doing a deal with Carolina Realty Advisors. 

If you’d like to know more about how we do business or have any questions we can answer, feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.